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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  January 5, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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eceivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible. another round of rain makes for a stormy night across the bay area. good evening. thank you for joining us. we are off to a rainy start this weekend. here is how the early evening rain looks in petaluma. the roads are a little sloppy for drivers throughout the bay area. there on your left, a look at 680 and san jose. on your right, 880 through
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oakland. we've heard of the water pooling on the roadways and we know the chp is responding to several accidents. we bring in rob who is tracking the latest round of wet and cold weather. of course, everybody wants to know, it will last the whole weekend? >> there's some good news as we wrap up the weekend. here's why you're seeing some problems on our roadways. generally for most of the bay area, looking at a quarter inch or less. to the south bay, san jose, a tenth of an inch. scots valley, especially on the ocean facing side on highway 17 as you head over there. that's where we're seeing the heavier rain right now in the middle of the santa clara valley from los gatos, the downtown san jose. thing have quieted down for now around san francisco and the tri-valley. north of 580, things have quieted. we'll continue to see periods of briefly heavy rain as the system continues to spin slowly to the south. coming up, we'll let you know
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how much this limb pact the rest sunday plans coming up in the rest of the weekend forecast. >> all right. thanks. a state lawmaker from san francisco pushing for stricter gun control laws in california says he is now the target of racist and threatening messages. he said the reason for the threats is that he wants to close a loophole in california's ban on assault weapons. tonight he is live with our story. good evening, monty. >> reporter: good evening. the senator has received threats like this before. he said the messages have become more extreme and disturbing in recent weeks. in the wake of the massacre at sandy hook, he reintroduced the bill that would close the so-called bullet button loophole in california's assault weapons ban. it allows the sale of weapons with magazines that can quickly be replaced by pushing a button. since then he said he's received
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dozens of messages on twitter and facebook such as this telling him to, quote, go back to china and communism where citizens have no rights. >> it is really sad that people have to kind of resort to that. i think that's part of my life experience. >> he has had pictures of nooses sent to him and just this week, he received a letter at his office raced with ethnic slurs telling him to, quote, go back to red china where you belong. they have total gun control there. and to hurry up and die. his office says the more threatening messages have been sent over to the sergeant at arms who handles the security for the state senate and the highway patrol is looking into them. yee who was born in china and came to the u.s. at the age of 3 says he knows the threats don't rep the majority of people who disagree with him on gun control and he's had similar experiences before. two years ago, he publicly disagreed with conservative talk
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show host rush limbaugh and as a result, yee received threats against his life. >> when you get death threats and you get threats about, we'll send you back where you came from, even though i have been here for 50 some odd years. it is unnerving but it is something that you have to live with. >> as for his bill, it did not pass last year. the senator said the newtown, connecticut has really changed the climate for gun control so he is optimistic that it will pass this time. he expects a full vote in the senate in the next few months. monte francis, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. once again, a gunman took aim in aurora, colorado. this time in a townhome not far from the massacre. police were called to a townhouse there where they said a man barricaded himself inside. then fired at officers, keeping them at bay for about six hours. they stormed the house and found four people dead, including the
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gunman. police do not have a motive but say the four people did know each other. the shootings happened just miles from the theater where a gunman opened fire and shot 12 people last summer. new details in a new years eve shooting at a sacramento bar. police arrested a married man and woman who say are connected to the shooting in which two people were killed and three others were wounded. sacramento police say 36-year-old amber schultz instigated a fight. her husband was involved in that fight that led to gun fire. the couple was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. hundreds of people gathered today in petaluma to remember 19-year-old alyssa irn about who died in lake tahoe over to holiday. beyond the glory restaurant hosted a fundraiser in memory of the former student athlete who reportedly knew almost every one in town. investigators found byrne's body
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along the road in tahoe where they suspect she died while walking back to a hotel after a new years eve concert. police do not suspect foul play. friends of the family say they are devastated by the loss of their only daughter. >> they've been, from my observations, on other interviews. they are courageous in my opinion. certainly nobody could understand fully what you're going through with the loss of a sibling or child. all of our hearts here go out. >> alyssa byrne's brother at that restaurant. there is a $10,000 reward for solving a hit and run accident that happened on christmas eve. a 54-year-old man is in critical condition after being hit in the crosswalk by a drag racing car that looks like this one. 1996, the 2000 black two door
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civic. it is possible that it has damage to the front passenger side because of the collision. witnesses say two cars were drag racing on broadway street the night before christmas when one of them hit that man in the crosswalk. the man is now fighting for his life. police say both drivers took off without stopping. police were able to find one of the two drivers on christmas day. he was questioned. then released. anyone with information should call vallejo p.d. happening now, talks are underway at this hour, rumors swirling that the nhl lockout could soon be over bringing hockey back to the hp pavilion. in new york, a federal mediator brought the two sides together. sources say it is showing promise there could be a deal in the making. nbc's bay area kimberly terry is live. you've done this story about folks being very quiet in downtown san jose without all the hockey. >> reporter: that's absolutely right. they want to see the hockey
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back. we saw numerous restaurants that were pretty much dead because the crowds simply aren't here. in new york, a last-ditch effort to save the season. something restaurant owners and hockey fans are hoping for. >> just pray. pray for hockey, please. there is a lot of us being affected by it. >> reporter: tonight would have been a game night for the sharks. with the nhl lockout going into its 16th week, bars and restaurants are nearly empty. >> it's just been -- >> if if have the game were going on tonight, we would have a full house. this restaurant would be packed. probably a waiting list. the kitchen would be extra busy and probably would not be having time to talk to you guys if there were a game tonight. but without a game this is how it looks. pretty slow. >> managers of bars and restaurants around the hp pavilion. many of whom are hockey fans themselves, are keeping a close eye on talks between the nhl and
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the players' union. the two sides are meeting face to face for the first time since a lengthy bargaining session started wednesday. >> i've heard them talking about it but they've been saying that the last two months. >> reporter: sources say there is cautious optimism there could be a deal soon. at issue, the tension of the salary caps and the length of player contracts. the nhl commissioner issued a drop dead date. players have until friday to ratify a deal which would start the minimum 48-game season. >> how awesome would it be to hear, yes, we have a deal. >> great. >> reporter: hockey fans say they understand this is the business side of the sport they love but they're hoping the rest of the season can be saved. >> do you miss hockey? >> i do. i must the buzz of hockey. i miss the crowd. >> if the two sides can come to a deal, we could see the first game on january 19th. live in san jose. kimberly terry, nbc bay area news.
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>> thank you. if you are driving in san francisco this weekend, make sure you pack a little extra change in your pockets or your handbag. starting tomorrow, no more free parking meters on sunday. most sunday meters will operate from noon to 6:00 in the evening. if you forget, you'll get a warning from the officials from the next three weekends. then full enforcement starts at the end of the month. the change is expected to bring in almost $2 million a year for the city's transportation agency. fremont will get a belated christmas present when a quarry is filled there. quarry lake, in fact. 800 christmas trees will line the bottom of the lake, creating a lush reef along the gravel bed for the trout and the bass and fish apparently love it. >> it creates a three dimensional habitat that was not there before, as you can see from the lake. there is a lot of gravel here. there is an old gravel quarry pit and pretty much a flat bottom so it doesn't have any kind of structure that fish need and want in order to reproduce
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and also, to grow and be in the lake. >> dozens of volunteers showed up today to chain it. the lake will be filled next year by the water district. still to come, a small town on the defensive. how it is turning to the internet to fight back lash over the handling of a rape case. and this fish fetched more than $1 million on an auction block. we'll show you why. and as you wake up tomorrow morning, you'll find chilly temperatures. 30s and 40s. the showers will be ongoing. especially around the south bay and east bay. we're seeing the heavier showers. right now, moving into downtown san jose and approaching morgan hill. so how long will this stick around for your sunday forecast? the answer and your forecast coming up. [ woman ] ring. ring.
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progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories?
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your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store.
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a small town in ohio is trying to calm a controversy over a rape case that has gone viral on the web. the town has turned to the internet to defend itself. nbc's brian moore has the story. >> reporter: demonstrators descended to sound off on the alleged uranium of a 16-year-old girl and the upcoming trial of two football stars accused in august. >> there should have been somebody at least smart enough to stand up and say this is wrong. let's stop it. >> reporter: the case goes to trial next month. local officials have unexpectedly found themselves on trial. in the internet court of public opinion. steubenville authorities have set up a website to debunk
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claims that they tried to cover up the case to protect football players. >> i assure that you my department investigated this early. >> reporter: the group known as anonymous turned this case into an internet sensation with the release of a video in which the steubenville teens described what happened in too graphic for tv. police say they uncovered the video early in the investigation. >> i, too, as all my officers were appalled by these morally inept statements made. >> reporter: but officials say the evidence is bigger than one video. and despite torrents of outrage, justice will be found in an ohio courtroom. not on the internet. brian moore, nbc news. president obama heads back to washington tomorrow after vacationing with his family in hawaii. one of his priorities is to get congress to lift the federal debt ceiling. in his weekly address, he said he will not compromise on the
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issues. >> if congress refuses to give the united states the ability to pay its bills online interesting consequences for the entire global economy could be catastrophic. last time congress threatened this course of action, our entire economy suffered for it. our families and our businesses cannot afford that dangerous game again. >> the nation's credit rating was downgraded the last time lawmakers threatened inaction on the debt ceiling in 2011. a whale of a price for a high quality tuna. a bluefin tuna was sold for the egive lenl of $1.7 million in auction in tokyo. the major of the sushi chain was the buyer. he said although the fish was of the highest quality and color, he was surprised at that high purchase price. the fish has already been shipped to the sushi chain where a few lucky customers got a taste. no word on whether it was worth the price. >> strong swimmers proved today that it is possible to escape
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from alcatraz. today was the sixth annual alcatraz winter swim. people of all ages braved the waters. family members and friends were there to cheer on the swimmers when they completed the race. >> all you can do is stay in the moment. a really great question. i don't know if i had the answer every single time. but you can't focus on the task. you have to stay one minute at a time, one stroke at a time. and know that eventually you'll get to where you're going. >> we found this 16-year-old who added to the difficulty of the swim by doing it without a wet suit. he wants some warm chicken broth. i'm not going to do that. >> no. one of the things i have no aspiration to trying. temperatures on the bay, low 50s. the temperatures right now, running a little bit cooler. if you want to think of it, a little bit warmer. 43 degrees in fairfield.
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50, san jose. 45 in livermore. the winds have been a little gusty. mainly out of east. we wake up tomorrow morning and some of the thing we'll see tonight. some of the heavier showers lining up south of san jose. we're seeing that on the radar. breezy conditions. those winds will pick up out of the northwest tomorrow. then the showers should begin to shut down after lunch time as things dry out heading into monday. right now as you can see on the radar loop. you can see toward the grade in the east bay. we'll continue to see some rain at times, coming from the east around livermore. here's where the bull's-eye is. south of san jose as you get into south san jose, approaching morgan hill. it is wrapping around. it will cross into the central coast. the heavier showers will see around san jose and around the santa cruz mountains. then things will tart to change up come tomorrow. this low scoots into central california. we'll get the blustery winds out
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of the northwest which would keep our temperatures down. they should allow some clearing as we head into the afternoon. we'll go from off and on rain. notice how the transition begins tomorrow morning. still seeing some lingering showers around the south bay and east bay. by the afternoon, skies start to clear. don't expect a warm day. that air will feel pretty chilly. low to mid 50s for highs. by this time tomorrow night and evening, the skies will continue to clear and we'll see a dry start to the workweek. tomorrow it will be the last area to clear. so you can see cooler temperature around san jose and morgan hill compared to the bay area. around east bay and tri-valley. low to mid 50s. a little cool toward fairfield and pittsburgh. highs near 50. and north winds should warm up santa rosa. the winds will be 15 to 25 miles an hour. a bit breezy at times but the showers begin to shut down. monday and tuesday look dry. tuesday, it will be pretty warm.
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we'll see some 60s for at least a day and then a few more showers coming in wednesday into thursday which will follow up with a big blast of cold air coming down again. so we can see frost and ice again. it was nice to get that out of the forecast but it could be coming pack by friday morning. >> we'll get the credit cards ready. that's the best we can do. >> thank you very much. we'll be right back.
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welcome back to nbc bay area. the golden state showdown. part three in l.a. and it didn't go so well for the bay area team. the doves were in big time trouble. the warriors and clippers at the staples center. it was the clips show. take a look at these highlights. blake griffin for the easy lay-in. they were just getting warmed up. in fact, that was one of the best dunks of the night as they go to deandre jordan. chris paul throwing up for blake griffin. the two-handed play. it was not going to be their night. off the glass. deandre jordan again. it was ugly out there. 115-89. all clippers tonight. a sensational alley-oop. is this really happening? yes, it was. joe webb makes the starts.
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first and goal for green bay. harris fights hard for it. he is ruled down to the 1 yard line. but take another look which they did. and they called it a touchdown. packers led 15-3 at the break. third quarter. the former qb, aaron rodgers. dusted off for john thune and he takes it in for his second touchdown of the day. the packers win 24-10. they're coming to san francisco. the second quarter. matt schaub is pick off by leon. all 21-yard touchdown return. houston led 9-7 at the break. arian foster scores from a yard out. 16-7, houston. fourth quarter, bengals down sixth. fourth and 11. andy dalton completes the pass. the former cal bear, marvin jones. he tackled short of the first down.
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bengals turn it over. houston goes on to win 19-13 is your final. good news for football fans. they are all announcing via twitter that they will return to the farm in 2013. that will be a very good football team. but chris, 49ers and packers next saturday right here in the bay area. >> we can't wait. it will be very exciting. thank you very much. >> and we will be right back. dinner's ready.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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finally tonight, dream took flight on the peninsula. it was open cockpit day at the hiller aviation museum in san carlos. people of all ages got to sit in
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the cockpits. that must have been cool. that looks fun. >> thank you for joining us on this edition of nbc bay area news. saturday night live is coming up next.
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>> announcer: and now a message from new york mayor, michael bloomberg. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. good evening and welcome, everyone. it's now been six days since hurricane sandy first hit our city.


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